My lavender is in bloom, so I can start harvesting a new bunch. I just like making little bouquets around the house.
I also enjoy seeing them in the garden so I won't cut them all. Unfortunately I can't use these in cooking because the ground near them is sprayed by the landscapers and I'm afraid it might be getting into the lavender, but I can still enjoy them in other ways.
I may make some sachets for the bath or to put under my pillow. I never did make a sleep pillow last year, so I might do that.
I do have a lavender in a pot which I'll be able to cook with, but it hasn't bloomed yet. I will use it for the flavored honey and teas. You can also use it in foods, but you have to be careful not to overdo it, it can take on a medicinal taste to some people.
What is your favorite way to use lavender?
My favorite way to use lavender is --- hmmmm --- to make lavender baskets and wands ---- no, it's ---- ummmm ---- to put in my favorite black tea to drink --- or ----- I know, it's lavender put in a nice bar of handmade soap. I can't decide! I love it any and every way! LOL!
Lovely pictures --- my lavender is in bloom too and I am enjoying it so much!
I love lavender, But I don't grow it because the smell of it has a tendency to give me a headache, can you believe it! A very small bit of it goes a very long way with me, although I love the taste of it in tea or honey, I've also had lavender cookies and bread that was delicious!
My sister loves it, and has it planted in many spots in her yard - it is so beautiful, I wish I had more of a tolerance for it :o(
Yours is so pretty!
Lavendar is such a lovely bush. I wish I knew how to make soap. It would make lovely soap. Hope you are finally feeling better.
I love lavender but have a hard time growing it. This year I tried it in a pot and half of the plant has died!
Both photos are beautiful!
I have lavendar growing all over, i love it! I have enough that I should cut it and put some in my house! Duh!!! I tried laying my sheets on top of lavendar last year to soak up the scent.Evidently they did that in england in the "good ole days". I tried it,but couldn't smell any of the scent. I'm not sure what I did wrong? Off to the garden I go!
I have several lavender sachets in my underwear and sock drawers. What a sweet smell is leaves behind.
Hugs from Holland ~
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