Monday, April 5, 2010

Homemade Cleaners

Well I did it. I packed up all my cleaners to give away and I've made my own. I know most of you probably already do this and I've tried making my own a few times in the past, but half heartedly and always ended up going back to the stuff I was use to. I've been trying to use up my cleaners before I switch, but decided to just go for it. I'm much more motivated, this time. Monday I did laundry with my own powdered laundry soap and I cleaned my bathrooms. Everything seemed to work just fine.

I'm doing a series about my Housekeeping Book on Around the House and I posted the formula's I'm using. I still have more things to try, but this is a good start. I will be cleaning my kitchen later this week and seeing how they work there.

The photo is a binder where I keep all the formula's and ideas I collected. I been going through it and choosing those that seem the simplest.



Barb said...

Hooray for you Linda!! The best thing I ever did was to throw away store bought cleaners. Your house will be so much cleaner without them. I can't wait to get some of your recipes - I love comparing notes! Your binder is also a wonderful idea!


Unknown said...

Thanks Barb, Yes, I'd like to compare notes and hear what works for you. Linda

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I've been using my homemade powdered laundry detergent for a year or so now and really enjoy it. It does take time to make, but it is much cheaper and it smells wonderful. I use pink Zote soap with borax and Arm and Hammer washing soda. I am working on using less chemical cleaners all around too, it's better healthwise, and for the environment too.

Thanks for this post, as it always great to hear of others who are making their own cleaners.


Paula said...

Dear Linda,

I am so glad you are using homemade cleaners. They are so much safer (and cheaper) than the store bought toxic chemical laden ones! I use vinegar, baking soda and lavender essential oil to clean with. I use straight vinegar on mirrors. Tea Tree oil is also good to clean with. It all smells fresh and clean and is safe to use. I love the book Better Basics for the Home by Annie Bond. It is loaded with non-toxic cleaning recipes and lots of other good stuff! :)

I am off to check out your Homekeeping Book!
Love, Paula