Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Image see end of post.

I've been thinking about housekeeping. I got out some of my binders for inspiration, they talk about puttering, green cleaning, just making a house a home. I think my house is a home already but I feel like I would like to do more puttering, more dusting and tweaking. As FlyLady says blessing my home.
I do have a schedule that I keep to loosely and my home stays pretty neat. My big downfall is dusting. I couldn't believe how much dust I found when I cleaned my bedroom last time. I think one of the problems is that dusting is on my weekly schedule at the end of the week and I'm tired by then or doing special projects. If it doesn't get done at the beginning of the week it may not get done. So I'm trying to motivate myself to make this a part of my daily chores. I want to use essential oil more in my home and that is something I could do as I'm puttering. I've been trying to use up my chemical cleaners before I make my own, but I'm thinking maybe I should just throw them out and start doing more green cleaning.

I've enjoyed all the cooking I've been doing, but I'm starting to cook less (less appetite) and I think this would be a good time to do more puttering. I've been reading the Miss. Read books and I noticed some of the characters "put to rights" their rooms each day and that includes dusting. Every once in a while they "turn out" a room, deep clean. It use to be a matter of pride to have a clean home, now we are more interested in decorating.

Everyone has been talking about spring cleaning and really I've been doing that since Jan. I redid all of my upstairs rooms and in the process they were thoroughly cleaned. I then did my office and the kitchen was done not too long ago. I also did my master bath recently, so things are in pretty good shape, but it's more a matter of keeping them up now. I remember when I cleaned my bedroom and saw all that dust I thought well now that it's clean I'll have to keep it that way, dust is not good for allergies.

So this is a funny post to have just before Easter, but this is what's on my mind and I expect I'll be in this mode until something else takes my fancy. I've been wanting to get started on my pot garden, but it's still too cold. I have some lettuce in a pot so far and I hope they don't freeze.
The photo is my housekeeping book. I made it some time ago and printed the image from the net. I don't remember where I got it but if some one recongizes it as their image I'd love to give you credit.


Barb said...

Hi Linda!

Thanks for dropping by today and blessing me with your encouragement! We all have talents that we need to work on - I know that you are extremely talented, I see it on your blog - such a way with colors and putting things together!

I agree with you about puttering, I think that is what I remember my grandmother doing, just puttering around the house - she got a lot done that way. We tend to get to an age where puttering is more constructive than trying to do too much at one time, don't we.

I like your housekeeping book - what kind of things do you put in it? I would love to see more!

Just throw out the store bought cleaners - you will be happier and healthier!

Have a great day.


Ann said...

I hope you have a happy Easter! I love your granny squares - you are so creative! Housecleaning is hard sometimes lol as it's so constant. Ann Ponder_ing

Unknown said...

Barb, Actually I have several housekeeping binders, because one if full of recipes for natural cleaners, one is print outs from a blog on vintage housekeeping (no longer available)and this one has a blog post on the evolution of housekeeping and woman's role. I also have had FlyLady stuff in another one. I would like to take this one and expand it with the natural cleaner recipes that I'm using, Ideas for using herbs and essential oils in the home, my schedule and to do list. The problem is this is not a very big binder just 1" so it won't hold very much. I'm going to work on this book and will let you know what I add. Linda

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about it and I think I will do the posts about the housekeeping book on my Around the House blog. That was my intention at some time to do some posts about schedules and such. Linda

Gayle said...

Oh, so interesting to see how others incorporate this into their life. I was thinking today about a recent trip I took where I was suppose to stay somewhere and then they couldn't have me. It was in the middle of a snow storm, and I had extended family in the area. I called to see if my daughter and I could stay with one of them. All of them declined. I was hurt at first, but now I wonder if it was just that their house wasn't up to "unexpected company". I never want to do that, I want to have my home open and clean enough to welcome guests, especially if someone needs "shelter from the storm". I'll never forget being in that snow storm and no one would let us stay with them. We ended up at the Sheridan in another city, barely making it there because of the ice on the road. We flew out the next day, and I swore I'd never go back. So my goal now is always have my house ready and clean enough to welcome unexpected guests.

Unknown said...

Gayle, Yes I really appreciate never having to worry about how my house looks if someone shows up unexpectedly. Also I don't have to do a big house cleaning if I am having company, it's always ready. When I was a young housewife I had an incident where my husband invited a neighbor over and my kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off. That was when I realized I had to get better control of my home and I started to say no to people wanting me to help. I determined my home had to come first until I was in control and had spare time. Linda

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I have to admit that I'm terrible at dusting! I think that's why I change out by bookcases and china cabinet's etc so much - it makes me dust!

I'm not getting too much spring cleaning done as the weather has been so perfect (sunny and in the 80's). So I've been outside everyday working in the garden (which I enjoy so much).

I saw a movie recently that you and Clarice might like. "Bright Star" about Keats and his love Fanny Brawne. The costumes are sooo gorgeous as is the British scenery. Wonderful story too.


Unknown said...

Manuela, I think she she saw the movie, I haven't. I'll put it on my Netflix. Yes I tend to clean that way, that's why I rearrange things so often too. It's still too cool here for me to get out in the garden. Linda