Saturday, March 17, 2012

C.S. Lewis- Surprised By Joy

I finished reading this. It was difficult to read at times. His school days were disturbing in many ways. I don't know why they do that to their kids. Along the way he lost his childhood faith. The book takes you through his journey through much exploration of philosophy and many different mentors, some good and some bad. It isn't until the last few pages of the book that he surrenders to God and later to Christ. I was hoping to have something profound to take away from this book but I can't say that I do. His journey was so different from my own. He talks a lot about coming to the knowledge of God, but admits that he doesn't remember as well how he became a Christian. After finally giving in to the idea that there was a God he didn't focus as much on himself, not so introspective.

One thing I enjoyed hearing was his preferred schedule.
      8-Breakfast than work
      1-Lunch with a 10 min. walk after, than back to work
      3-Tea Time I assume he means the British meal called tea.
      7-Dinner, he wanted to be left alone when he was working, but dinner was the end of his work day and the time for socialization.

I've been trying to find the flow of my days and I'm using his schedule, sort of as a pattern. I get up a little later and so my breakfast is later and I eat dinner a little earlier.

 I want to read more of his writings because I still think there is much to be learned, this just wasn't the right book for that because it really ends as he is coming to know Christ. I'm also reading Yours, Jack which has been speaking to me and I'm learning things from that. My next book is "Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, The Gift of Friendship" by Colin Duriez. I started reading it last night and it's much easier to understand.


1 comment:

Barb said...

Hi Linda!

I have not read any of C.S. Lewis' books, although I do love his quotes. He sounds like an interesting man, and I think I would also like to read more about him - thank you for sharing your insight.

I need to stick to a schedule as well. It seems like since my husband is home, my schedule is shot! I think our bodies run better when we have a schedule... :0)
