Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mixed Berry and Cherry Pie with Almond Flour Crust

Well I continue to experiment. I made an almond flour pie crust using this recipe by Comfy Belly. The dough rolls out very nicely but it just falls apart when you try to move it. However it is easy to push together, it just doesn't look very good.

 I expect I'll get better at it. I used plastic wrap to roll out the top and it was definitely easier to get off. I followed her recipe for the cherry filling except that I used coconut/palm sugar instead of honey and added a little water. Also I used frozen fruit and mine was a mix of berries and also cherries. I'm so happy I can make a pie now.

Barb asked if I'm on the Paleo Diet. No I'm not really I'm on a low carb, grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free diet and am able to use a lot of the Paleo Diet recipes because they are also grain-free and dairy-free sometimes, but they are not necessarily low carb so that is where I have to make adjustments, but I'm learning to substitute ingredients I can eat. I like the Paleo recipes because they do a lot of things with veggies to substitute for grains. I don't really go along with the we should eat like cave men idiology. If I could eat grain I would except for the fact that I believe it makes you gain weight and is very allergenic if you have that tendency. I'm doing dairy-free and gluten-free because of intestinal issues. I'm gotten better since I eliminated them, but still can't put them back.



Paula said...

Hello dear Linda, I woke up this morning, thinking about the organic frozen cherries in my freezer and that I must find a SCD legal recipe to make a cherry pie, and I see you have shared one! I could hardly believe it! Isn't God good!!!! I love Comfy Belly's recipes and they always turn out fabulous. The almond flour dough can be tricky, but it is easy to mush right back together. You know I have strictly followed the SCD for over 4 years for my bowel disease and will remain on it the rest of my life. I am so very happy it is helping you! It is the most nourishing diet and so delicious too! Your pie looks really good and I can hardly wait to make one! So glad you shared this! Love, Paula

Unknown said...

Paula, I'm glad you can use the recipe. My tummy issues kept getting worse over the last year until I had to do some serious changes in my diet. I'm realizing now that these problems should be taken seriously, because they can become real health risks. So glad you are on the mend. Linda

Paula said...

Hello dear Linda, You are so wise! Mine started over 4 years ago, it was so bad that after every meal I was on the floor in pain crying and wanting to scream. I had terrible stomach problems that kept getting worse and worse like yours did. One night, I asked God to please show me what to do, as I could not keep living like this with all of my heart defects to deal with and stomach problems on top of it, the very next morning there was an email from the Weston Price Foundation with an article from a doctor about the brain/gut connection and diet. That is how I found out about Elaine Gotchshall and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I ordered the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle and the SCD cookbooks. I went to her web-site and read all of the illegal foods and immediately stopped eating them. I am so thankful the Lord showed my this diet, as I don't know what would have happened to me. I will always have to stay on it, as I don't think my gut problems can be healed, only managed, as my guts are also backwards and flipped over from one of my heart defects. Yes, you are right, these problems should be taken seriously because they can become very real health risks, including cancer, severe mental issues (the gut does effect the brain) and malnourishment from not being able to digest food. When we eliminate all those grains, sugars, starches, etc. and eat what we can digest, it makes a huge difference as I am sure you can see already. I am so happy for you Linda and pray you continue to do well. I am really proud of you for taking control of what you eat and preparing it yourself. When I had open-heart surgery in November, Adam and I had to tell them how I ate and not to give me any food, that Adam would make my food and bring it to me. Many of the nurses were interested and asked me about it. So many people, or their children have gut problems and every bit of it stems from what they are eating and drinking. That is hard for some people to accept, but a diet change will prove the truth of it. :) I know that from my own personal experience. I am still so grateful that I can eat now and that my stomach will not hurt afterwards. Thank you for your kind words. I am so thankful and blessed to be alive and so happy to have my new heart valve! God is good! Take good care and sorry for the long comment! Love, Paula

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I'm not sure I've mentioned this before but last November we began to change what we eat. We still are working on it. But basically we also eat low-carb (as in grains and pasta), no dairy, real food with very little meat. No digestive problems just a desire to eat healthier. We use the Dr. Fuhrman nutritarian diet as a guide.I'm going to look into the Paleo Diet recipes and SCD that someone mentioned. It's hard to find recipes!

Unknown said...

Manuela, If you're on Pinterist you can do a search on grain-free, dairy-free, paleo and so on and find lots of recipes. Linda